47.2 Feature: “flashback” by Poetry Contest winner Jody Chan
flashbackby Jody ChanBWR 47.2 Poetry Contest winnerhome. clouded recollections, neighbours silent as a blown fuse. houses in a blank-eyed row. I’m always six when I lie here, inhaling dust from a time I can’t remember. dad smoking downstairs, the scent of rice sharp...
47.2 Feature: “The Visit” by Fiction Contest runner up Jennifer Cie
The Visitby Jennifer CieBWR 47.2 Fiction Contest ruuner-upSoft snores and the glare of headlights from across the margin buoyed the sound of waves sloshing along the plastic walls of the canisters in the trunk. We left Brooklyn at four-thirty in the afternoon. Hand...
47.2 Feature: “Community” by Fiction Contest winner Rachel Julia Engler
Community by Rachel Julia Engler BWR 47.2 Fiction Contest winner When I first moved there, I got involved with a group of trepanners. If you felt any stress, any sadness, you’d get to drilling. Let some air in, and out. It was a bloody business. Eventually, I drifted...
47.2 Feature: “Such Great Height and Consequence” by Kelsey Norris
Such Great Height and Consequenceby Kelsey Norrisfrom BWR 47.2To be clear, the statue came down for its own protection. Not because the lawmakers and politicians and folks at city hall finally grew themselves a conscience. Not because they wanted a new chapter...
47.2 Online Exclusive: “bootleg self-help demos” a chapbook by marcus scott williams
bootleg self-help demos by marcus scott williams in my meadow upstairs, i build symphonies sampling the secured-beeping of car alarms that rise around me and Lu w each parked car we pass. that is exactly the type of place Austin Texas is. i arrive at the origin story...
47.2 Feature: “In Which Ms. Swan Suffers Clarity” by Flash Contest winner Elaine Hsieh Chou
In Which Ms. Swan Suffers Clarity by Elaine Hsieh Chou BWR 47.2 Flash Contest winner Ms. Swan ends up in situations without knowing how she got in them. She is at a Starbucks, she is at an ATM, the DMV, a candy store. Each time, she materializes from...
47.1 Feature: “Midnight Saturn Bass Note: Afterword to A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure” by Hoa Nguyen
Midnight Saturn Bass Note Afterword to A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasureby Hoa Nguyenfrom BWR 47.1I set out to write A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure years ago. Decades, really. Writing this, I’m wondering if it is as simple as that sentence I have said...
46.1 Feature: Craft Essay by Diana Clarke
I was not looking for Freud. Freud did not need any finding. But Sándor did need finding.
46.2 Feature: Craft Essay by Jessica Lanay
I was not looking for Freud. Freud did not need any finding. But Sándor did need finding.
2019 Nonfiction Contest Runner-Up Sophie He
"Corrective vision surgery takes on a whole new meaning in 'Chinatownland.' The result is a cartography that includes our blindspots. In 'Chinatownland,' juxtaposition, one of disruption’s favorite tools, simultaneously blurs and focuses our vision so that we might...