45.2 feature: Craft Essay by Sophie Paquette
45.2 feature: Craft Essay by Sophie Paquette Sophie Paquette is from Bloomington, Indiana. Her work has appeared in The Rupture, Quarterly West, Black Warrior Review, Split Lip, Heavy Feather Review, and others. She is a freshman at Columbia College in New York....
Sneak Peek: Missing File #7: The Ortolan Bunting by Alison Powell
Missing File #7: The Ortolan Bunting Alison Powell from BWR 45.1 In 1996 former French President Francois Mitterand invited thirty guests to his last supper. One was delighted to attend and offer condolences, admittedly a delicate balancing act. President Mitterand...
The Best Lighting for My Body Was at the White Horse Inn and Bar, Oakland, California
“I am moved by the geography in this piece. Not just the geography of a landscape — also the geography of body, of gender, of family. The speaker enters with high stakes and manages to traverse the entire narrative with the stakes remaining high, emotional, and...
From the Archives: fragments from RECONSOLIDATION by Janice Lee, 2012 Nonfiction Contest Winner
Click here for information about our 2017 contest. Janice Lee is the author of KEROTAKIS (Dog Horn Press, 2010), Daughter (Jaded Ibis, 2011), Damnation (Penny-Ante Editions, 2013), Reconsolidation (Penny-Ante Editions, 2015), and The Sky Isn’t Blue (Civil Coping...