Review: Poetry Book Trio for National Poetry Month!

Terrible Blooms Melissa Stein  2018  Copper Canyon Press  96 pages   Terrible Blooms, the second collection from Melissa Stein, serves as an elegy for the body’s redemption as it mourns what innocence must lose in order to be transformed again. Her newest...

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REVIEW: Suicide Club by Rachel Heng

Suicide Club Rachel Heng 2018 Henry Holt and Co. 338 pages Review by CHASE BURKE Can anything stop us from chasing the dream of immortality? Probably not. In the American tech sphere, there are already startups dedicated to...

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Review: BLUETS by Maggie Nelson

I was late to reading Maggie Nelson’s Bluets. There is much that can be said about this book, and so much has already been said, that I am only going to concern myself with p90 on which Nelson states, “Recently, I found out that “les bluets” can translate as ‘cornflowers’

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