Section D You climb the stairs to the girls’ bedroom—here is the same squeaky step—but stop outside their closed door. Pressing your ear against the wood, you hear their girl-voices talking about girl-things. There is no room for you, a grown woman, in this coven of...
Section H You met your true love at your best friend’s holiday party. He was new in town, a teacher, a good good man. Look at him look at you, like you were the crown jewels and he was about to inherit the kingdom. My girl, I can feel your heart racing. Already you’re...
Section B You are in a puddle on the floor when the girls flood the room. They slow to a stop when they see you, like they’ve just entered a room full of honey, and you look at each of them in turn, seeing beyond the girls as they are to the men you loved to make...
Section F You were looking so good in that new red dress you’d bought the week before, remember that? You were feeling fine, sexy, and here was this big man with gorgeous tattoos up and down his arms, so much color, and he leaned across the table and said something he...
Section K Forgive me, you say, squeezing your daughter’s hand, and your daughter says, For what? You recognize that specificity is an important ingredient in this request, and the fact that you are unable to put your finger precisely on what it is you’ve done...
Section L In your daydreams, you are not a mother. Your belly is still smooth and tight, and your breasts, though still heavy with age, are less so. Those white lines radiating around your curves, gone. Men lap you up. They are not scared off by commitment because you...