44.1 Feature: Craft Essay by Angela Pelster
I needed to turn the words of the oppressors against them, to somehow find within the original language an act of resistance, a betrayal of the idea of superiority, and to pull out the seed of justice buried so deeply within the injustice.
44.1 Feature: An Interview with Leslie Sainz
“Integer,” is ultimately a narrative concerned with the difficulties of familial, and institutional forgiveness.
Review: OF THIS NEW WORLD by Allegra Hyde
The collection contains thirteen stories, beginning with the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and ending with the human colonization of Mars.
44.1 Feature: Craft Essay by L. Vella
This series of poems began with the idea of a twin Earth lost on the other side of the sun, eclipsed, antipodal.
Review: LIKE A BEAST by Carly Joy Miller
Like a Beast Carly Joy Miller Winner of the 2016 Rick Campbell Chapbook Award Anhinga Press 28 pages Review by M.K. FOSTER Though it ‘be but little, it is fierce’— Carly Joy Miller’s debut, prize-winning chapbook makes no...
44.1 Feature: Craft Essay by Jill Schepmann
When I think about how to write about bodies, it seems negligent to only speak of one or to do so speaking alone. I felt that desire to see and reach others when I wrote “What Grows Inside,” and tried to make space for those other voices and experiences.
44.1 Feature: An Interview with Molly Gutman
In this story, the protagonist is a literal siren with all the magical drama that suggests, sure. But she’s also dealing with more identifiable issues, like how to own her bisexuality in a town that would rather ignore it.
44.1 Feature: A Craft Essay by Alex Terrell
“Black Dog” was my first attempt to provide a space for people like me—Black girls who had always wondered what lay beyond the trees.
44.1 Sneak Peek: THE NEW AUTHENTIC by Miguel Angel Ramirez
Miguel Angel Ramirez was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. His work has appeared in the Denver Quarterly, Pleiades, and elsewhere. Right-click and "open image in new tab" for a larger version. To read Miguel Angel Ramirez's work and more, pick...
Review: DADDY ISSUES by Alex McElroy
Daddy Issues Alex McElroy 2017 The Cupboard Pamphlet 72 pages Review by JEREMY BURKE The stories in Alex McElroy's Daddy Issues deal frequently with masculinity, memory, and the loss of the past. These stories predate the 2016...