ornamentation crossfade for 2+ people

Each person begins wearing 50+ items of clothing, unevenly distributed to allow for continual shedding of one’s own layers while adding others.

Shed an item. Toss to center. Select and put on another item. Where it goes and how it goes on need not correspond to the item’s customary function or location. End when all original clothing has been shed and the center is clear.


Tempi: For example, Più mosso, più mosso, più mosso. Or, Allegro con fuoco; Lento; Allegro moderato, grazioso; Un pochettino piu mosso; Tempo I; Allegro, ma non troppo.

Form: Ordering of selections might be structured by color, texture, function, sonic characteristics, body part adorned, etc.

Competition: Timed chess. Attire as quickly as possible. Mark beginnings and endings with sound. Or, at a sound, regardless of state of dress, launch into formation, performing movement sequence as far as clothing will allow. Ballet classicalissimo.

Cooperation: Aid one another in struggle, especially with difficult items. Clothing may be chosen for diversity of occupation/social world.

Architecture: Design bridges, towers, public artworks of clothing between people. Escher.

Nested ornament: Clothe clothes.

The beginning of the world is not neutral: Begin with a mountain of clothing at center. Continuing past shedding of original layers; accouter until mountain is cleared.

Musical context: Perform in conjunction a traditional musical work of increasing ornamentation.
