Review: THE EMISSARY by Yoko Tawada
The Emissary Yoko Tawada Translated by Margaret Mitsutani 2018 New Directions Publishing 144 pages Review by Riley Bingham Yoshiro rents a dog from the Rent-a-Dog store for his daily jog. Except Yoshiro can’t call his exercise jogging, as jogging is a foreign word....
REVIEW: Suicide Club by Rachel Heng
Suicide Club Rachel Heng 2018 Henry Holt and Co. 338 pages Review by CHASE BURKE Can anything stop us from chasing the dream of immortality? Probably not. In the American tech sphere, there are already startups dedicated to “harvesting the blood of the young”, and...
A Review of THE GROTESQUE CHILD by Kim Parko
THE GROTESQUE CHILD KIM PARKO 2016 Tarpaulin Sky 250 pages Review by RBrown “The new world was brought down by your quakes and leveled by your wind and sunk by your flood. Some of your children managed to survive and they floated below us and when they saw you in the...
“It was the kind of fever in which want burns”: A Review of Rebecca Aronson’s GHOST CHILD OF THE ATALANTA BLOOM
Ghost Child of the Atalanta Bloom Rebecca Aronson 2017 Orison Books 80 pages Review by REILLY COX Story teaches us that, when it comes to our demise, we have options. Accounts differ. Homer is killed by either a turtle dropped by an eagle or by a riddle about sea...