“I am quite captivated by the emotional intelligence of ‘Tree rings, like concentric ghosts’: its internal innovative style, the heightened, hexagonal poetics of My Tran’s perception, their sharp way of interweaving cultural artifacts with art, the past (ghost), sound...
Her fiction and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Tin House, Zyzzyva, Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Cincinnati Review, Black Warrior Review, and elsewhere. She was awarded a 2018 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award, served as the 2018...
HYPATIA ON ST. KATHERINE Kelly Krumrie from BWR 45.1 Tap here for a Phone Friendly Version To read Kelly Krumrie’s work and more, pick up a copy of 45.1 or order a subscription from our online store. Kelly Krumrie is a PhD student in Creative Writing...
The Whole Girl Detective Thing Cathy Ulrich from BWR 45.1 On the eve of her fifteenth birthday, the girl detective is kidnapped, thrown into the trunk of a long car. The girl detective bucks her hips, scrabbles with her fingertips at the trunk lid after it is slammed...
Pollution People C Pam Zhang from BWR 44.1 An hour south of the border and Dad tips over with a whump that makes the forest explode like a cutscene. The ancient car rattles, Nim brakes into a gully, and shrapnel flings from the trees. Nim waits for death. But...
I admire the confidence of this short and beguiling piece. The author sets in motion a tarot-spread of elements—the war, the wheel, the gold—and alchemizes a novelistic series of arrivals and reversals. The result is timeless, but, like a dream, it indicates a...