5 Collage Poems by Joshua Johnston

5 COLLAGE POEMS by JOSHUA JOHNSTON Joshua Johnston was born and raised in Caneyville, Kentucky. His work has appeared in such publications as Salt Hill, Ninth Letter, The Offing, and New South. He currently lives in Tallahassee, where he’s working on a PhD at Florida...

Herpes and the Moon by Jason Lipeles

HERPES AND THE MOON by JASON LIPELES Jason Lipeles is a Los-Angeles-based writer, performance artist, and human-being-with-feelings. He is an alumnus of the AJU/Asylum Arts’ Reciprocity Artist Retreat. He graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in Image + Text from...

Institutionalization 1 by Rachel D. L.

INSTITUTIONALIZATION 1 by RACHEL D. L. Rachel D. L. is a queer, disabled writer and artist. She writes about disability for the Rooted in Rights blog and has published poetry, nonfiction, and comics in Anomaly, Colorado Review, Nat.Brut, and Entropy. She is an...

Moving by Jack Felice

MOVINGby JACK FELICE Jack Felice is a graduate of Florida State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing and a minor in Art History. He currently lives in Tallahassee, Fla. His artwork has appeared in The Florida Review, 14 Hills,...

Reviews of Small Needles by Jie Liu

REVIEWS OF SMALL NEEDLES by JIE LIU Jie Liu is a fiction writer from China and a Ph.D. candidate in creative writing at Florida State University. Her stories have appeared in Pleiades and Fiction International, and her essay has received notable mention in Best...