7.1 | FALL 1980


EDITOR: Marnie Prange                          BUSINESS MANAGER: Amy Riddell

FICTION EDITOR: Jon Hershey               POETRY EDITOR: Leslie Nail

EDITORIAL STAFF: David Borofka, Patrick Coleman, Steve Gregory, Fred Hagan, Dev Hathaway, Mitch McClure, Erica Mosely, Michael Pettit, Sandra Sprayberry, Shelton Waldrep, Mike Williams

EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Renee Hopkins, Barbara Merchant


Jack Butler: A Country Girl

Charles C. McNair Jr.: Boys will Cry Wolf

Pamela Stewart: Running

James Tate: From London, a Lady in Distress

Brad Watson: Frank’s Album


Tom Absher: The Swimmer

Diane Ackerman: Cave Diving in the Tropics

John Bensko: Garcia Lorca  |  And the One-Legged Schoolteacher 

James Cervantes: The Old Man Dreams  |  The Proxy

Ted Kooser: Walking at Noon Near the Burlington Depot in Lincoln, Nebraska  |  In the Basement of the Goodwill Store

Greg Pape: In San Antonio

Mark Rubin: Entry  |  Movement by Low Tide

Terry Savoie: Two Poems to Replace March

Charles Simic: Zero

David Wojahn: Patagonia George

C.D. Wright: The Substitute Bassist


AWP Poetry Series Finalists

William Carpenter: The Early Snow  |  Friends of Dechirico  |  Snake Music

Peter Fellowes: The Fisherman  |  Burial of a Groundhog 

Mark McCloskey: Sixteen  |  She Leaves Her Father’s Ranch

John Morgan: Expedition North  |  The Arctic Herd

Robert Pawlowski: Soldier’s Poem  |  Confirmation

Sue Standing: Convict’s Mirror  |  Blind Woman Dreaming

Kathryn Stripling: Potatoes  |  Drought

Brian Swann: Light  |  The Dancing of Stones

Ross Talarico: Everyday  |  For the Stray Traveler

Carolyne Wright: Leaving the Conservatory  |  Photo of Myself

Lisa Zeidner: Mind the Quiet  |  Freud Is Dead


James Davis Jr.  |  Karla Hammond  |  Dev Hathaway  |  Ed Hoeppner