38.2 | SPRING/SUMMER 2012

EDITOR: Farren Stanley MANAGING EDITOR: Emma Sovich
POETRY EDITOR: AB Gorham DESIGN EDITOR: Betsy Seymour, Annie Agnone
ASSISTANT FICTION EDITORS: Laurel Billings, Tom Cotsonas, Alex Czaja, Dara Ewing, Devin Gribbons, Katy Gunn, Jake Kinstler, Kenny Kruse, Erica Meyers, Juan Carlos Reyes, Stephen Thomas, Ben Voigt, Brandi Wells, Leia Wilson
ASSISTANT NONFICTION EDITORS: Annie Agnone, Ashley Chambers, Dara Ewing, Barry Grass, Katy Gunn, Jake Kinstler, Laura Kochman, Kenny Kruse, Christopher O. McCarter, Paige McCormick, Erica Meyers, Bethany Startin, Stephen Thomas, Ben Voigt, Brandi Wells
ASSISTANT POETRY EDITORS: Annie Agnone, Anne Brettell, Jonathan Dubow, Dara Ewing, Emma Furman, Molly Goldman, Katy Gunn, Joshua Helms, Caroline Klocksiem, Laura Kochman, Kenny Kruse, Kristen Kuczenski, Matthew Mahaney, Christopher O. McCarter, Jason McCall, Bethany Startin, Stephen Thomas, Ben Voigt, Brandi Wells
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Ashley Chambers, Jake Kinstler, Christopher O. McCarter
Jenny Hanning: A Family Price
Harry Leeds: Upper / Lower (2011 Fiction Contest Winner)
Billy Longino: The Burial
Megan Martin: Outfoxed
Alex Taylor: Spare Parts
Steven Matthew Brown: Rest Stop Apologia
Matt Donovan: One Hundred and Twenty-One Seconds of Square Dance, Among Other Things
Janice Lee: fragments from Reconsolidation (2011 Nonfiction Contest Winner)
Jonathan Volk: Machina
Laura Eve Engel: All the Sciences
Nicholas Gulig: Pray / Tell (2011 Poetry Contest Winner)
Julia Madsen: If the Field Is Weak & Restrained
Martin Rock: Or Both. We Could Do Both.
Andrew Borgstrom: The Cycle of It
Ching-In Chen: Gestations: Pathology, Or Prankster of Memory | Island Where These Things Happen
Lucy Corin: Six Small Apocalypses
Jon Davis: Editor | Novelist | Poet 65
Craig Foltz: Why Should There Not Be a Handle?
Kate Greenstreet: 568 | 572 | 574
Joshua Harmon: The Annotated Mix-Tape #9
Dana Levin: Meanwhile
Rusty Morrison: In the Wait for a Wider Gaze (2)
Donald Platt: Litany on 1st Avenue for My Daughter
Laura Sims: from Post
Samantha Stiers: The Years Were a Waste | Continent of Mist
Tawni Shuler: Sun Ripened (cover)
Graphic Writing
Becky Dreistadt, Frank Gibson, & Zach Marcus
Liz Prince
Chrissy Spallone
Dawn Pendergast: The Even