13.2 | SPRING 1987

EDITOR: Janet McAdams MANAGING EDITOR: Amber Vogel
ASSISTANT FICTION EDITORS: Jon Brooks, Sara Bullard, Jennifer Fremlin, Betsy Hanzimanolis, Alan Holmes, Tom Stem, Valerie Vogrin, Christian Waters
ASSISTANT POETRY EDITORS: Mark Dawson, Michelle Elise, Jennifer Horne, Kate Krauss, Jane Kuenz, Jeff Mock
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Cristin Hinesley, Michelle Holladay, Dale Prince
PRODUCTION STAFF: Ed Howard, Patti Tanski
Fern Chertkow: The Conersion of Eddie Mexico
John Domini: The Arno Line
Patricia Eakins: from a Bestiary: A Note to the Reader Forrago
Mark Fishman: Night Before Last
Robert Pope: The Recital
Meredith Steinbach: Bluebeard’s Children
Maria Luisa Aguilar-Carino: A Sense of Balance | From an Album | Monsoon | Omaira | After Movies | Improvisation
David Craig Austin: Autobiography | Animals | Solace
Edward Byrne: Words Spoken, Words Unspoken | In Your Memory, We Move
Patricia Goedicke: Some Nights the Mind
Christopher Howell: Prayer of the Preblind | I’m Telling You
Andrew Kaufman: Etude in Black
Edward Kleinschmidt: The Absence of Day
Lawrence Markert: Bringing Back the Dead
Ramón E. Martinez: After Lorca
Rainer Maria Rilke: The Bowl of Roses
Charlie Smith: American Drift
Julie Wilson: Points to Remember
Valerie Wohlfeld: An Echo of Crows: The Black Bird
Mis Amigos Relegados: A Special Feature on Latin American Literature
Reinaldo Arenas: With My Eyes Shut | The Wounded
Roque Dalton: Oppression & Milk | Dream No. 11.880 | The House of Carlos
Maria Luisa Puga: Young Mother
Julio Ramón Ribeyro: An Ordinary Sunday
Ofelia Castillo: Chronicles
Elsa Cross: Bacantes: V
Oscar Hahn: Dream of Hiroshima
Myriam Moscona: Last Garden
Jorge Teillier: Story of a Prodigal Son | Night Trains
Josefina de la Torre: The Sky’s Green Willow
Veronica Volkow: Memory
Lynn Domina: A Review of Woman Who Has Sprouted Wings: Poems by Latin American Women
Edward Haworth Hoeppner: The Cult of the Circular: Jorge Amado’s Sea of Death, Homero Ardijis’s Persephone
Lynn Pruett: A Review of Other Fires: Short Fiction by Latin American Women
Andrew Hudgins | Greg Kuzma
Paintings from Honduras
Anibal Cruz: The Child of the Brothel | Blood Protest
Victor Lopez: The Party Tie | My Legal Rights, Lieutenant
Helias Foundation: Arpilleras patchwork tapestry (cover)