BWR is happy to announce that we have another guest editor for our Fall/Winter issue! Submissions for the guest edited section are open from 4.10.21-5.10.21. Submit here.
We have extended our deadline for Guest Editor submissions! The final day to submit will be Friday, 5.21.2021 at 11:59PM. Please send us what you got!
Call For Submissions: Queer Ekphrasis
This call for submissions situates ekphrasis as a kind of queer, relational poetics. Rather than simply responding to or describing a work of art, we’re looking for poems that engage in horizontal, dyadic, and socially-aware relationships with works of art. As Kristen Prevallet writes, “Relational poetics looks at texts as being themselves in a constant state of motion, dispersion, and permeability that is inseparable not only from the shifting social and political context, but from the cycles of the earth and the diversity of nature.” This genre of ekphrasis is then situated in the socio-dimension, considering interpersonal dynamics beyond response: witnessing, inhabiting, and haunting. Ekphrasis in this vein approaches poems as vessels for attention, as forms of queer love, and as interrogations of our subjectivities and subject positions.
His video works have been exhibited by Flux Factory, Daata Editions, the 13th Baltic Triennial in Lithuania, Mathew Gallery, NeueHouse, the Paseo Project, and will be exhibited at the Institute of Contemporary Art in L.A in 2021.
As an independent curator, he has facilitated curatorial projects in Chicago, Boston, Santa Fe, and Reykjavík. He was a 2017-2019 joint Public Programs fellow at the Museum of Modern Art and the Studio Museum in Harlem. In 2016, he founded the Center for Afrofuturist Studies, an artist residency program for artists of color, based at Iowa City’s artist-run organization Public Space One. He works as Program Manager at Recess.

- Fiction and Nonfiction: Submit up to 7,000 words.
- Poetry: Submit a packet of up to 3 poems all in one file.
- Flash: Submit a packet of up to 3 flash pieces all in one file. This can be in any genre, as long as the author considers it “flash.” We encourage experimental, hybrid, and lyrical submissions in this category. Image + text work is also welcomed. Surprise us. Word count is at the discretion of the submitter.
- Do not include your contact information in your document. We will use your Submittable information to contact you, so please make sure your contact information is accurate and up-to-date.
- Simultaneous submissions welcome. Please notify us immediately if your submission is accepted elsewhere.
- We accept only previously unpublished work for publication.
- The cap for submissions is 400.
- There is a $5 fee to submit. This goes towards paying our contributors.
- This guest edited section will appear in BWR 48.1. All contributors to this section will be paid.
- Submissions close May 10 or when our submissions cap is reached.
- Submit your work here. We do not accept mailed or emailed submissions.
- Upload your submission as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf.
- Please email us at with any questions.