What It Is and Where You Find It Rebekkah Leigh LaBlue I’m admittedly taken by a coastline in winter—sand in cold, dead of starlight so readily mistaken for snow. Eyes closed, the charade only realer: that grating squeak before the give, compact...
Night Moves Ross Showalter (Before reading: If you have a set of hands, leave them behind. Your hands are everything to you, yet not yours, not your own.) It takes me three weeks after the break-up before I realize something’s wrong. I wake up at crushing times in...
Korotoumou Landa wo “Un chagrin n’est jamais qu’une maison en reconstruction.” Ngondo Moyula[1] Dans son rêve Korotoumou reçut la visite de la chanteuse. Son chant s’élevait chaque soir quand le soleil tirait sa révérence. Un chant profond et nuageux, terriblement...
The Dive Jai Hamid Bashir The night is still ahead. Sing this knife into the unrush of shellfish. Hush— into bodily knowing. Ungather translucent skin in the motions how sand is swept from fisherman’s cuticles. Mussels curl on like floating ears. Listen to the...
Crônica of 13 Beginnings Rone Shavers The most logical thing would be to say that it started on a Wednesday, but that’s definitely not correct. Instead, here it is, the unadulterated and possibly too-detailed truth: It started on slaveships. It started on slaveships...
Liberty twine game by EA Kane click to enter the game Click to enter the game EA Kane is an artist living in Waterville, ME. They’ve been published in The River, 30North, and Wanderlust Journal, and were Alice James Books’ first ever...