2017 Poetry Contest Winner: Sarah María Medina’s “From a Poet to her Rumbero”
At the center of “From a Poet to her Rumbero” is a bucking heart, grappling with its fanged history & unbreaking fever. You sense its luminous pulse from the opening scene: i’m a dying sky of eagles / i’m arrowed into it. The poem’s language is unbridled yet moves...
From the Archives: Sonnet Infinitéismal n°3 / Matérial Girl n°8 by Aristilde Kirby
Sonnet Infinitéismal n°3 / Matérial Girl n°8 Aristilde Kirby from BWR 44.1 Aristilde Justine Kirby (27 | 4/11/1991) is a poet, Louise Montalescot’s daughter, amateur chansonnier, recovering overthinker, picaresque girl & paper champion. She has chapbooks...
44.2 Sneak Peek: THE NIGHTGOWN by Taisia Kitaiskaia
Taisia Kitaiskaia is the author of Literary Witches: A Celebration of Magical Women Writers (Hachette/Seal), illustrated by Katy Horan, and Ask Baba Yaga: Otherworldly Advice for Everyday Troubles (Andrews McMeel). She holds an MFA in Poetry from the Michener Center...
44.2 Sneak Peek: MARY by Carlina Duan
Carlina Duan hails from Michigan, and is the author of I Wore My Blackest Hair (Little A, 2017). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Tupelo Quarterly, and Narrative Magazine, among others. She is a current MFA Candidate at...