“Welcome to the Village with All of the Boyfriends”
Brandi Wells, 2018
The Short Boyfriend
Featured Artist:
Alkiviades Avarkiotis

José Gutierrez
José Gutierrez, a descendant of Mexican immigrants and the Wixáritari peoples, is a graduate of California State University at Long Beach and Washington University in St. Louis. They live on unceded Nipmuc land in Massachusetts.
Click again for “Resurrection Sickness”
Aiden Heung
Aiden Heung (He/They) is a Chinese poet born in a Tibetan Autonomous Town, currently living in Shanghai. He is a Tongji University graduate. His poems written in English have appeared in The Australian Poetry Journal, The Missouri Review, Orison Anthology, Parentheses, Crazyhorse, Poet Lore among other places. He also translates poetry from Chinese to English, his translations were recently published in Columbia Journal and Cordite Poetry Review. He can be found on Twitter @aidenheung.
Click again for “This Moment”
Dure Ahmed
Dure Ahmed is an immigrant Muslim writer from Pakistan. Currently an MFA student at the University of Arizona, they have work appearing, or forthcoming in ANMLY, Berkeley Poetry Review, and The Lumiere Review.
Click again for “Me and a Wilted Rose”
Emily Yang
Emily Yang/楊佳諭 was raised in Taipei, Taiwan and, for better and for worse, holds American citizenship. She is always missing papaya milk and her bidet, and she tweets unprofessionally @taromilkpng. You can find more of their work at
Click again for “Week of the Cat”

Hannah Rego
Hannah Rego is a writer from Louisville, Kentucky. They have an MFA from the University of Arizona and are a founding editor of ctrl+v, a journal of collage. Their writing is anthologized in Bettering American Poetry Vol. 3 and Best Small Fictions 2020 and appears most recently in and smoke and mold.
Click again for “In an Armchair Facing the Door”
Catherine Kim
Catherine Kim is a Korean Canadian writer studying in the US. Her writing has appeared in Nat. Brut, Hypocrite Reader, the Nameless Woman anthology, the Transcendent series, and elsewhere. Her work has been awarded the Francis Mason Harris ’26 Prize, shortlisted for the Sunburst Award, and nominated for the Pushcart Prize.
Click again to read “The Librarians”
TR Brady
TR Brady is a poet and fiber artist based in Iowa City. TR’s work has appeared in Poetry Daily, Denver Quarterly, Paperbag, Bennington Review, and Copper Nickel. TR holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is the co-founder/co-editor of Afternoon Visitor, a new journal of poetry and hybrid text.
Click again for “Living Thing”
Diannely Antigua
Diannely Antigua is a Dominican American poet and educator, born and raised in Massachusetts. Her debut collection Ugly Music (YesYes Books, 2019) was the winner of the Pamet River Prize and a 2020 Whiting Award. She received her BA in English from the University of Massachusetts Lowell where she won the Jack Kerouac Creative Writing Scholarship; and received her MFA at NYU where she was awarded a Global Research Initiative Fellowship to Florence, Italy. She is the recipient of additional fellowships from CantoMundo, Community of Writers, Fine Arts Work Center Summer Program, and was a finalist for the 2021 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and chosen for the Best of the Net Anthology. Her poems can be found in Poem-a-Day, Poetry Magazine, The American Poetry Review, Washington Square Review, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere. She resides in Portsmouth, NH, where she is the Poet Laureate. For more information visit
Designer and Editor: Acie Clark
Editorial Team: Kayla Dale and james mckenna