National Poetry Month: EXO-SECRETARAIT by Blake Lee Pate

by Blake Lee Pate
Exo-girl convinced the boss
her girls are hot, have skirts, nice
handwriting. 8:00 a.m. We’re period
plagued and auto-receiving at our desks
splitting our hair ends & running our stock-
ings up & down the halls. WE DO FEEL
LIKE THIS, the receptionists note
on their message pads. IS THIS
EXCEPTIONAL? (the receptionists
note it internally). Exo-girl tweets. The girls
slump at their desks. The boss
is exasperated. Exo sends
a memo: perk up!
At my own desk I am frumpy
in my showing skin.
Exo came along to blush me up
I guess. She’s got a cig in my fingers
when she tells me my period is not important.
Next month, she says, we will menstruate
via the network. I write the memo
on a napkin in the bathroom.
WE DO FEEL the receptionists type
while the boss watches LIKE THIS
(they note internally) IS A REAL
Exo-girl has my cig
between her red lips & flicks it
with a skinny wrist. The girls, I,
type faster. Note! Exo protests.
No pads next month. Bleed only
remotely. None of us are familiar
with the network. We are currently
menstruating actually, that is,
via the bathroom.
Exo punched a receptionist last week
(nothing thigh-high about her)
so for now when she tweets
I re-tweet.
This poem is from issue 40.1. You may purchase a copy here.