“This author has confected a compelling new uncanny life form under the sign of the slime mold. With phrases of lyric flight, garlands of theory, camouflaged confession, diagrams and screenshots, this piece is something like an essay, something like a collage, something like a thaumatrope where one sees a bird flying, something like a breakdown on the dancefloor of a space-cruiser abandoning the planet for good. If a slime mold could burn, it would burn with this unwholesome green light.” — Flash prose judge Joyelle McSweeney
M.J. Gette
from BWR 44.2
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M. J. Gette is author of the chapbooks Poor Banished Child of Eve (H_NGM_N, 2016), The Walls They Left Us (Newfound, 2015), and the forthcoming OMBLIGO INTAGLIO by Ricochet Editions. Her criticism, poems and lyric essays have appeared or will appear in Minor Literatures, The Operating System, Black Warrior Review, 3:am, DIAGRAM, BOAAT, Tupelo Quarterly and elsewhere.